We're on the road again. I am writing this from the Calatayud home, where Sarah, a faithful reader of this blog, lives. We're in Avon, Ct. Ashoka made a new friend, Snowflake, seen below. Snowflake's breed is undetermined, but he is thought to be beaglesque, at least. So, Ashoka was enjoying memories of his friend from India, Pete.

During the drive this morning we thought about what was next in the whole process. We went over what was next for the house and what is next for my work and this was generally discussed in the context of my parents trying to sell their house in Vermont. It has been 27 years that we have had the house and it has always been a part of the life we have lead. I was in eighth grade when we got it. And it has been part of our family life since then...
Here are some pictures of us there in 2006.
In the current downturn, it is possible that they may not sell it for a few years - here's to hope! ;-)