Day 8...
We have arrived in Connecticut.
A friend reached out to me and told me not to fight the difficulties I am having with the return to the Land o' Plenty. I am not ignoring them and thanks for the support and guidance about your own post-expat experience. It'll be a balance and it felt like the right thing to do, pulling back from the cynicism. And I take your point - I was definitely hard on Hyderabad and India *alot* on this blog.
Anyway, we are continuing to move forward in the journey to see family. We are in New Haven, Ct. now. This is the home of Yale University, an impressive place. The pictures are below, including of our favorite spot in the city - The Owl Pipe and Tobacco Shop. Soon to be visited by us.....
Here's an interesting observation - what is an indication that someone has never been to the Third World? Answer - they ask what kind of dog Ashoka is....
We have been asked countless times what kind of dog Ashoka is. It's hard to explain that there are millions of dogs roaming the streets of India and no one owns them and they have been breeding freely for thousands of years - or at least hundreds. In the eyes of a few people there is a general look like I was heading into a punch line of the joke. Then it clicks. But one person actually pushed and said, "But it's a mix of what two types of dog?" That's when I pull out "Well, he's actually from a breed called gali ka kutta. It's a very old Indian breed." Then the conversation and awkwardness can end.
Gali ka kutta means street dog in Hindi.
We are all well and trucking along.