Tara's dad built a car. Not just a car that comes in a kit. A car made of spare parts. From the ground up. Based upon knowledge that he has accrued for decades. Incredible. It is truly a skill that I can appreciate as being brilliant. It humbles me. I cannot even change oil in a car.
The state of Connecticut has accepted this car for use on the roads, it has its "sticker". Because no specific maker exists except Dave, it is listed as a "composite car".
Many of the parts are from much older cars. But since it is an aggregation of older parts, it cannot be listed as antique.
I get the distinct sense there is a connection to India here, to stick with the theme of the blog. In India, people can create amazing things out of five paper clips, nine hangers and four rolls of tape. You can see the most ingenious things happening on the streets of India - not that Dave's car is to be compared to those things, it's not like that. This is an advanced version of the same impulse, though - taking that which has been discarded and seeing in it opportunity.
I got a ride in the car, as did Liam. Fantastic. It's really as cool as it looks.