Day 1...
We are back in Charlotte, as mentioned. Tired, a bit disoriented and in unfamiliar surroundings. We've heard from a few friends and are happy to be back in some basic ways.
The cars are still obscenely large in America.
I have not slept very much, maybe about 5 hours. The family is asleep, they will probably adjust fully tonight/today. As we are staying in the hotel, I didn't have much to do except watch television. Watching TV in the middle of the night in the US is different. As and when I had occasion to watch TV during the middle of the night in India, it was generally the same type of programming that we had in the middle of the day....
Here, it is definitely different.
All of the shows seemed to imply that America is a nation of obese people with libidinal issue that need to find employment in a pyramid scheme. It's actually a sad tableau of our society at this time of night. I think the marketers assumed that people could not sleep because they were unhealthy, frustrated, frightened and the like - so they take advantage of this captive audience by plying them with an antidote to their particular problem.
So, I, a relatively in-shape American who is employed had to endure watching these programs for about 30 seconds each - and they were never ending. It was culture shock of the worst kind. I felt bad for my society.
I eventually found a National Geographic program that showed strange cultural customs from around the world - it was great. It showed those Micronesians who platform jump from a high tower as a part of their manhood initiation with nothing but vines tied to their ankles. Or the Amazonian Indians who willingly stick their hands in a glove filled with stinging ants as a way of proving their suitability as a mate. And that temple in Rajasthan that houses 15,000 rats because they believe they are reincarnated versions of their ancestors. That one made me laugh a bit.
So, that was an interesting diversion for a bit.
Tomorrow begins the process of reclaiming our American lives - complete with getting the car registered, new driver's licenses, getting new Black Berry, etc.
It'll be a huge list, I am sure we won't get it all done.
We get to see Ashoka in the morning, so that'll be excellent!