Day 3...
I went to the office today. I also wandered around uptown Charlotte for an hour or so, seeing what had changed.
Many things had changed..... but, interestingly - a whole bunch is exactly the same. Just.... the same.
Being in Charlotte over the past several years has been all about seeing rapid change. There are always new buildings coming up. And in recent years it has been the thing to have new condos come up and people to live in the middle of uptown. This is a huge change from the sleepy, sort of lame uptown area that we had a mere decade ago. Uptown is almost hip. Almost.
Now there are also trains running around the city, the famed "light rail" that was only a plan when we left. I took the light rail today - it was actually pretty good!
Many of the same names and places and faces are here. People still wear blue shirts and khaki pants almost as if it is a mandated uniform from the companies.
And the place got along just fine without us.
It was interesting.
There has been a new monstrosity built in uptown Charlotte, called Epicenter. It is a mess of bars, sushi restaurants, a multiplex movie theater and a variety of other things all thrown together by an architect who was not of a clear mind. I have some pictures, will show you soon. Until then, below is an artists rendering.

I took some other pictures and will get them developed at a drug store today, then post them tomorrow. That includes Paris.
Tara and the boys are doing well. They got into the house yesterday while I was uptown. And thus begins the long journey to making our house whole again, which will also be recorded on this blog. Tara is excited.