^ The Taj property in Kovalam.
^ Fisherman and boats on the Arabian Sea.
^ On the last morning, I walked to a masjid that was falling into the sea, for all intents and purposes. It was a hefty walk, during which I lost my glasses. So, along with a pair of shoes in Malibu and Singapore, I left a pair of glasses in Kerala. Not intentional, this time.
You can see the masjid off in the distance.
^ Along the walk.
^ Along the walk.
^ Here is the masjid that is seaside and looks like it will soon fall into the sea.
^ A sacred cow.
^ Anantha Padmanabaswami temple in Thiruvananthapuram. I couldn't hide my devotion for the risen one, so I was not allowed in. It is a Hindu-only temple, one of India's few. Usually, I just go right in....
^ Swami temple. Notice the nuns on the street outside, the state of Kerala is among the most Christian in India.
^ A place mentioned some prior writing. Sarah Calatayud - this is the place that I wrote about!
^ Carving from the front of the temple.
^ Another carving.
^ Adjacent to the temple is a palace. It had dragons at the entrances, and smiling horses in the inside. Was not allowed to take pictures within the palace, but the theme is consistent - Indian maharaja's lived very well.
^ I was reading a book in Kerala about Kerala - and there she was, Sarah Cohen. About two weeks prior, I saw a Travel and Living program that featured here. One of Cochin's last Jews. We met her.
^ And so the sun set on a fantastic time in Kerala, personally and professionally. Yes, I took this photo.