Today Mr. Matthew Fairless become closer to 40 than 30. A mere whippersnapper for those of us feeling the beautiful-yet-cruel grip of post-40 entropy, where the inside flowers at the expense of the body....
A Cornish hero, an erstwhile denizen of Alpine climes, a man who conquers the ocean and inspires the admiration of those who know him, a man who appreciates 007 almost as much as do I......
A man of strong enthusiasms and love for his family, Matt is a good man and a good friend - and, in the final summation, isn't that all that counts?
*** Owners of swimming pools in Hyderabad, please be very wary over the next 24 hours, especially if the above individual is seen in the company of a strapping Dane who smiles without ceasing.....
**beware the below man**