Our first full day in Québec was great. I cannot believe this place exists and we have known nothing of it until now!
Everyone here speaks French. We rarely have heard English, which is really neat. I am personally a bit surprised by how very French this place is. I was under the impression that the French-speaking Canadiennes were being sucked into the English-speaking maelstrom around them in North America, but no.... it is very French.
In some snaps you will see the wall that is around Québec City. Québec City is one of the two only walled cities in North America. The other is St. Augustine in Florida.

^ View from our room.

^ We found busts of Churchill and Roosevelt on a walkway in the city here. Upon reading the plaques (in French) it was to thank the US and Britain for freeing France during WWII.

^ Here is Tara in front of an old military building that has experienced a recent fire.

^ This was interesting - a statue to commemorate all of the Québec soldiers who "preserved the Empire" in South Africa, I assume during the Boer War. At the bottom of the statue it says - Québec Libre, "Free Quebec!" I assume this stems from the fact that these French people resent the history where they fought for all things British. Click on it for the larger view that shows the graffiti.

^ This speaks volumes about Québec City - it has a great life to it. This disco ball is perched above the dining area in front of an old, traditional chateau place. This really is a great place, filled with vitality.