^ A multiple birthday celebration was held yesterday, since many birthdays will transpire on the other side of the globe during the next few months.

^ I don't give it a great deal of time on the blog, but I am working every day while here in the US. While in Vermont and New Hampshire, this consists of finding broadband wherever it exists, and tunneling into the Bank's network. I have found an old railroad station that has been converted into a pretty cool little bakery-deli-coffee place - with wi fi. There is an actual track behind it, and in the morning, a train went by. Check out the mist enshrouded mountain across the way. What a place to work! A whole new level of telecommuting.....

^ Great view of the lake.

^ For some reason, my father has an "All Things Scottish" section of a wall. This is a rifle holster, and several Scottish hats, along with an animal trap and a hunting horn. We have walked past it for years, I decided to give it some global exposure through the blog.

^ Here is the wall dedicated to generations of Cameron and Rice family members. Watched over by a benevolent caribou hunted by now-great grandfather Bill Rice.

^ A recent picture from the genealogical wall - my family when I was a young boy. Should be obvious which one is me.

^ Here is a double photo from my youth - both on a beach. One in Connecticut and one from St. Thomas, much later. It's great to see old pictures.