And off we go.... again. Thanks to the Vigliones for a great stay, see them again in a few days.
The driving depicted in yesterday's entry does indeed depict the boring nature of the driving. But then comes Vermont.....

^ You can click on these and see what it is like to start ascending into the Green Mountains. It does the heart good. Note the small covered bridge. I'll take some more pictures of these as we encounter them.

^ OK, this was really odd. For those men reading the blog, you know how there are places where pictures are placed in front of you so when you are standing in a men's rest room, you have something to look at? Well, the Vermont country store that we went to was no exception. There was a cover of the Saturday Evening Post from 1955, showing a bunch of properly dressed women with their children, etc. in a doctor's waiting room. Then there is a kindly doctor looking out of a door for his next patient. But here is what is really interesting. The doctor's diploma is on the wall. It has the name Neil F. Lebhar.
Neil F. Lebhar was my family's doctor when we were children, two states away from, and decades after, this picture.
It is not so much that the world has become smaller, it is almost like it's closing in on me, as if it is but a small canvas on which something utterly new is being created....
Actually, before I start another 15 page essay, let me take you to a few shots from the lake where my parent's live, below.

^ And finally, it is going to be July 4th tomorrow, a great time to get reacquainted with our land. This flag is flying from my parents' porch, overlooking the lake. Should be fun, see everyone tomorrow!