Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 76: As US life settles in....

.... it is fair to assume that we will learn some new things about ourselves, just as we did in India. The lessons are continuing, and I have discovered that I really find watching Aidan's baseball games incredibly enjoyable. It's such a rare commodity to have time where you don't have much to do except watch a game in front of you.

Certainly it is different because I have someone from my family playing. It is also different because no one is marketing a single item to me - there's no commercials, no advertisements behind the batting box..... just kids playing baseball.

Then, you have kids playing who you start to get to know - this one is not so solid as a thrower, another one is a great pitcher, a third is always trying to steal bases..... and on and on. Great stuff.

To know me is to know someone who generally has found the scale and depth of interest in sports a bit puzzling. At worst, I have thought it was counter-productive, with sports being simply a modern day form of the Roman "bread and circus".

I guess I am not overthinking this as much these days. I just really enjoyed watching that game last night.

They're undefeated.

Another thing that happened tonight was Liam started his swimming practices. Here's to hoping it becomes a positive outlet for him - I think it will!

It's day three of her sickness and Tara seems to be back in the saddle and generally healthy. She says we don't need to do anything to the house for a few days. This, too, is nice. 8)