We're staying at the Novotel now. It's an apartment-sized suite, so it's pretty nice.
The house is being packed.
The company brought the guys back who stole our wallet. They denied it. I said, "If you are thieves, why wouldn't you be good liars?"
We will never see the wallet again.
Three new laborers are packing the house up now.
By the way, Ashoka has arrived in the US!!
I said I would write about the family, so here is about Liam.

Liam is a different kid and an excellent person. He has been trying at various points during his time in India, but he has also benefited from the experience. He will probably only fully realize that when he is about ten years older.
He is also pretty bright, so he has had a solid ability to grasp India from a regional, linguistic and historical perspective. He also has an exceptional cooking ability and can make a convincingly good Indian meal.
He's a work in progress and we hope returning to the US will provide him with some outlets he did not have here. We'll see! As I keep this blog updates for the first 100 days back in the US, he'll certainly figure into the updates.
As you can see, Liam was at the Urdu Medium School which we recently helped. He has had many cool experiences like this at a critical phase of his life. We hope it benefits him. He said the most enjoyable time he had was the high school trip to Gujarat and Rajasthan. That experience is captured on this blog. He apparently had a great time.