Well, unfortunately, more bad news.
Today in Lahore, gunmen opened fire on the visiting Sri Lankan cricket team. Several police are dead, six Sri Lankan players have been hit and details are unclear on the gunmen.
This is just another example of the way Pakistan is one of the most rogue nations on Earth. Be it the government, the intelligence services, the army (independent, does not answer to the government) or the barbarous, medieval people living throughout the country - it's just a mess.
I really applaud the tone of the US government lately in calling a spade a spade - instead of looking the other way and calling Pakistan an "ally". It is just a brutal place.
There is a certain sense of resignation that occurs here when there is a crime of terror like this - people carry on. Imagine a day when gunmen in Chicago opened fire on a baseball team and killed a handful of police officers. We would stop what we were doing for a bit and watch. Here, it was just one of many things being talked about. And life is just going on.
And, in its usual form, the local media shows things like a guy with half his head missing slumped over a steering wheel - if he was a cop, or a cricketer, or a terrorist I have no idea. But I'll never get used to that. And I was eating lunch while I watched this on the news, we have plasma screen TVs all around the cafeteria.
Maybe after we have sustained as many tragedies as has India at the hands of these people, we would learn to carry on, as well. But I hope not.
Another sad day in India due to Pakistan.