^ I saw my destination as I walked out of Whisper Valley.

^ I eventually found a pathway I thought may lead to it.

^ I found this house up on the boulders - all alone and with one of the best views ever.

^ A view from out on the boulders. At this point I had lost the view of the mandir.

^ More view.

^ This was a great view. Notice the Shahi Tombs and Golconda Fort (on the hill). Bad day for pollution, but still a great view.

^ I then had to walk down a boulder of immense proportions. I couldn't see the mandir, still.

^ Then it came into view.
^ Some symbol. I am not versed in this kind of thing, but when I looked at this boulder I thought "Brahmin symbol".
^ The small temple was built into the whitewashed boulders. This was the first door I found.... locked.
^ The second door was locked, too. But I could look inside.
^ Inside the mandir.
^ The object of worship, I guess.
^ Burnt offerings.
^ An altar outside.
^ In the little altar in front of this altar.... some fruits and colored powder.
^ Mango leaves have a special role in Hindu temples. They are often hung in garlands.
^ I left the temple glad I had made the hike.
^ Made it to the bottom.
^ Found some graves. This one reminded me of the Partridge Family's bus.
^ The I made it out to the road. Our friend Andrea was mountain biking around and I talked to her for a bit. She informed me that the road I was departing on was actually the entrance road. All of that hiking was for no reason... still, a really good hike.