Interview with Tami, Day 3....
What has surprised you most about India: Oh, God. [laughs] The men peeing on the side of the road..... in abundance. That's it's common to see that.....
What's the most beautiful thing you've seen in India thus far?: I guess it would have to be when we bought bananas on the side of the road and the people that lived there lived in such a little open brick dwelling yet they were so nice and had beautiful smiles and their clothing was so colorful. It was the beauty of the spirit of the country that I saw....
If you come back to India in 20 years, what would you like to see changed?: I'd like to see the trash removed. A ruin is fine being an old dusty ruin (they visited Golconda today), but the trash around the perimeter of it doesn't need to be there. That would be nice to see changed.