So, the drama continues....
Stories of Ramalinga Raju having absconded, and of his wife verifying he is at their home and just general confusion. Interestingly, Satyam's disgraced Chairman lives in Jubilee Hills, where we lived last year, and his house is cordoned off by police for his protection. And no one seems clear on his location.
He's there. It's just confusion.
15,000 resumes have been uploaded to an Indian website that people use to find new jobs.
From the LA Times: "Raju has cheated me and millions of shareholders," said Rajesh Shrivastava, 43, a businessman who owns 5,000 shares. "I still fail to believe that I have almost lost everything. The god of IT has failed me."
And my favorite of all. As the financial auditors in charge of assessing Satyam over the last several years were asked about this, they did themselves no favors when they said the following - Their assessment of Satyam yielded a "true and fair" picture of the company, but that did not mean it was "accurate".
True - accurate - true - accurate - true - accurate.....
I have always seen a connection between these words. Hmmmm.
Well, as the facts continue to unfold in this India-meets-Enron drama, everyone continues to be astounded and saddened, but a small group of Satyam employees got together and held a vigil during which they painted their hands and put them on a white sheet as a sign of solidarity. It was a "Spirit of Satyam" event. Someone should have given them better guidance on this.
Very tragic stuff. What could be next?