^ Here is a little fun insight into what our life is like here. There are several magazines in Hyderabad that track life here. "You and I", "Wow!" and others are like a local People Magazine. We and our friends often end up in these magazines during events. And in the local newspaper. Why? Foreigners. We provide a certain allure by having come from our disparate countries and been willing to settle in dusty, old Hyderabad.
Click on the photo above - we are at the top of our page at the opening of a night club.
It's too funny. I mention it because last night we went to some thing where a French guy brought in cheeses and there was some wine and cheese tasting where we had fun all night. During it, the photographers kept snapping everyone's picture as we hung around and talked. Tara had her picture taken a million times. I'll try to get those pictures in this blog.
Remember, I have also been featured in the newspaper.
I cannot seem to explain that we are really nobodies where we come from. ;-)