Some details.... and fyi, some pictures are from the last day in Hyderabad.

^ Aidan really enjoys friendships. He and a bunch of kids went to a video arcade after the last day of school. I thought this was a brilliant picture, great smile.

^ Tara got mahendi done on her hands before we left. Akbar's sisters came over and did it. It ended up being a women gathering in the living room. For the uninitiated, it is henna. And for those who will see us soon, you'll see this first hand.

^ Liam on the top of St. Peter's church in downtown Munich.

^ A view from the top of this same church. I kept looking out the window and whispering, "You've won, Charlie! You've passed the test! The chocolate factory is yours!"

^ Aidan feeling the stir of his half-Catholic heritage.

^ Now, remember..... we just spent the year in Hyderabad. And despite the fact we had the time of our lives, we never saw a guy with a baby grand piano on the streets. Europe is just great.

^ Tara at the top of St. Peter's church. Beautiful.

^ The family at the Hofbrau House. Jonah fell asleep, so we had an empty beer glass and had a laugh!