We saw Aunt Sharron and Uncle Jerry today, great to see them! We'll see cousin Amy later in July, could not manage the logistics this time.
We head up to the North in the morning, without having accomplished everything that we wanted to do, and without seeing everyone we wanted to see....
I went out to lunch today with a large contingent of friends who are here in Charlotte as Tata contractors and I had a great time with them. They were quick with heavy questions like, "Has India changed you?" Wow.
I answered "Asha hai." That means "It is the hope." And I told them that we really enjoyed the amount of zindagi in India - life. They all understood what I meant. Then they said, "So many people in India think this is zindagi [about America]." I said, "No, this is paisa." They laughed. That means "money".
It is a fantastic country here in America, for our American audience, please know that we still care about it deeply.
The nice thing - wherever we go now we feel like we're among the most fortunate family on Earth.
Special thanks to the Skibinbski family for their hospitality! It has been a pleasure to stay at their house, and visit with them.