^ We have left Philly and have arrived in Hamden. Tara's family is well, and they gave Liam a birthday party, which was nice. Pictures forthcoming.

^ We are staying in the Omni hotel. I wrote them a note last year about how I thought that the fact their flame-shaped light bulbs were not covered drew away from the appearance of the hotel (you can see them exposed in the photo above). This year there are covers on the light bulbs. Hard to say if my note made the difference.
I have to laugh that I consider the fact that I wrote that note, just one of the many things that make me crack up when I consider what India has taught me and how I used to think. If India has left me with something new, it is surely a mind with fewer illusions.
With that said, I like the look of the hotel with the small cream colored shades over the flame-shaped light bulbs. Very nice. I'll probably leave another note.

^ I am going to be working in the Bank of America office in New Haven this week. Should be interesting to have the view of Long Island Sound from the top floor, which is where I will be. Here is a shot of the building.
^ New Haven has few claims to fame, but being home to Yale University is certainly the main reason the city is on the map. We are staying on the edge of Yale, and I could take some pictures - but I like these pictures better from years past - when we were here during the winter. It gives a different, more starkly beautiful, feel to the campus and the city. Click on the images for much bigger versions of them.
Included in the pictures is the Skull and Bones Temple, the place where various of our Presidents and others in power have been in a "secret society" together. Having been in a fraternity myself, I don't see these as a big mystery at all, but this particular organization got a great deal of attention when it was acknowledged during the last election cycle that both "W" and John Kerry were both members of this organization in the late 60's. I am pretty sure Barak was not in a secret society, and McCain was in a Viet Cong prison camp during the late 60's. Thus, chances are pretty good that we won't have any of that special intrigue during this election cycle.
It is the second-to-last picture.