Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another interesting shot

On the same day I brought my camera into work (I did it to film the pooja ceremony that was to bless our new building, security took it from me so you'll never see pictures of it) I saw this large amount of refuse on the side of the road....

^ I saw this huge mound of plastic piled on the edge of the street. I then noticed that it started to move and had a pink sari on....

^ As it started to move, I realized it was a woman carrying an amount of plastic that was at least 4 times the scale of her body. Check it out. She crossed the street in a wavering way, but she did make it. I don't think she could see anything, just her feet.

In India, necessity is indeed the mother of invention in ways that can really surprise you.

Somewhat consistent with the corn guy that I put on the blog in March....