Our friends David and Lynn were instrumental in starting up Charlotte Tailgate Market. To be more accurate, Lynn had much more to do with it than David - ;-).
This is a farmer's market which focuses on locally grown items, where nothing is from more than a 50 mile radius from Charlotte. Lots of organic stuff, lots of free range meats, people who farm in alternative ways. Very good stuff. We enjoyed it.
Some snaps....
^ Lemonade with chopped mint floating in it. Mmmmmm.
^ Tara catching up with David and Lynn, vendors in the background.
^ More vendors, some skyline in the background.
^ This is Charlotte's "South End", a bit of painting on the buildings. I believe this place is a burrito shop - Phat Burrito.
^ Overall, a nice visit to a little corner of eclectia - and some good items. We'll definitely return.