So, we continue to have work done around the house, hoping that this comes to closure soon.... Tara and I dropped by this evening to visit George.
^ Kitchen cabinets are dismantled and waiting to become.... black!
^ A prototype of the final look - it's hard to see, but certain segments of the cabinet door are "distressed", meaning they have been made to look old and a bit worn. We decided on the "hardly any distress at all" look.
^ With the flash on, the distress is more visible. This was too much, we decided.
^ The kitchen all ready for George (in the snap) to spray.
^ Spot where the fridge sat. And will again sit... soon, we hope!
^ Wine fridge, to be built into the island. Can accommodate 34 bottles.
^ For kicks, I rented a Dodge Ram SUV for this month. Very unlike me. No, we won't buy one.
^ We'll have tile put down in the powder room, downstairs.
^ The edge of the room will be these tiles cut in half.
^ Our magnolia suffering in a little neglected segment of the front yard. I will reclaim this!!
Final pictures as they develop.