Well, returning to the rhythms of life is ongoing.... and the house is a major focus for Tara. As always, I have some snapshots.
^ My bookshelf. Not yet returned to its former glory, but it looks good. It'll be done when I arrange the books in that specific order which reflects my mind.
^ The dining room table fit just fine. It's funny we thought it might be too big. The room's bigger than we thought....
^ Look at all of the baubles we still have lying around. This is about as full as we like the shelves in the den, so we have to make a change, Tag sale!
^ Tara's right, the widening of the door does make a difference. Soon, we'll paint the kitchen. And Tara now "hates" the Shaker chairs that we used in the kitchen table.
^ Tara has made the living room a beautiful refuge, once again.
^ I wouldn't usually display our toilet on the blog, but the black paint and the new tiling are awesome and we thought we'd share.
^ Fireplace is shaping up.
^ In the library.
^ One of the next frontiers - the porch.