Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mango time

Mango season is in full swing. We have enjoyed eating loads of them. They are delicious and there are many varieties. We last year had everything in a songle category - mangoes - but this year we can distinguish an Alphonso from a Honey mango from a Pickle Mango and so forth.

What is funny is that theere is an intensity around mangoes to the point that I think it's a bit crazy. As an example - the servants of the family that lives behind us live in their small quarters. Next to those quarters is a mango tree. On that same tree are green mangoes. Much of the tree hangs over into our yard.

We snagged a few mangoes during recent weeks. They were right there, so we did.

After that, the annoynace with us was so high that the took a bamboo pole and a basket and extracted all of the mangoes from our side of the tree. Now, our side is bare and their side is still vine-ripening.

Such is the folly of life in a country where sometimes the most abundant source of food for some people is on a tree.