Friday, August 22, 2008


As you can see, we took the plunge and bought some of the roasted corn on the way to parent's night at the school. It was actually really good and we enjoyed it very much. They rubbed it with salt and lime, a great way to enjoy corn.

I think it is called "goota".

They roast the corn on open embers and wave a bamboo-frond fan to stoke the flames.

You can see the one guy who wanted some pictures with me. We took the first as he admired me, but then he insisted we do a pose with our car in the background. Now remember, he didn't use *his* camera, he used *our* camera for this shot that he felt so strongly about. Little did he know that his face would be on the world wide web. Nice guy.

Then we were spirited away in the car, enjoying this treat.

Reports of radical gastritis may follow....