It really is a small world after all.....
We have met a couple from Greenville, SC who spends time over here. They have not moved here yet, but are getting close. They are American, he is white and she is of Indian descent. They're really nice people and we enjoy seeing them when we do. So, at the Marriott brunch today we met her sister, a woman from Charlotte who was visiting. She and her husband live down behind Stone Crest shopping center. He is a Christian counselor, she stay at home with their growing family. He went to Gordon Conwell Seminary, where my friends Jamie and Tim went (she did not recognize your name, Jamie). They go to church around the corner from our home, Church at Charlotte. No connections with the names of people we know that go there.
It was a very ordinary conversation where we were trying to make connections and learn if we had any specific friends in common and the like. As I sit here now, it's really amazing that such an ordinary and local-feeling conversation would happen on the poolside in Hyderabad, India. It's incredibly likely that she and her husband walked by us in a Charlotte store, swam at the YMCA pool with us, or would have been in our presence, as strangers, in Charlotte during any number of situations. And we meet this woman here in Hyderabad. Very cool.
What felt really nice was that we made a connection with some people who have the general friendliness of our hometown of Charlotte. Even though she was a first generation Americans of Indian ancestry, and we are Yankee transplants, Charlotte has a nice feeling of fellowship and friendliness that has impacted us.
It is a small world. One wonders why certain people meet certain other people..... Time will tell if we connect with these folks when we move back, but I sense we will.
Life is incredible.