Jonah went over across the street to take a picture of Devi. She is the cutest little thing and is our friend. She lives, more or less, on the sidewalk across the street from us. Seriously, she has a home (as you can see) but she is always outside of it. When Jonah announced that he was going over to take her picture, I thought better of it. But then I considered that kids here walk huge distances alone from the age of five onward. The daughter of our help walks a quarter mile to school daily - alone. So, having him cross the street and enter the servant's quarters over there seemed a small thing.
^ This is the picture he took. I have never been in a place like that here in India. I'd be surprised if after two years I did not see the inside of where the various servants in the neighborhood live, but this day it was Jonah's turn.
Isn't Devi cute?!