One of the things I have taken on here in India is making sure the teams here know how to have fun. Recruitment and retention are the big issues here in India, due to the competitive nature of the market. As a result, people really need to enjoy their work to decide to stay on. This is one thing I am working on.
Here are some pictures from an event that I ran. One activity I had the team members do was to build devices comprised of straws, balloons and a string. The device had to protect an egg from a 12 foot drop.
As you can see, it didn't go well. But one team did create a device that maintained their egg without any fissures or cracks. They won!
A guy from Atlanta named Mike was the judge. He's over here for about 6 months.
In one of the pictures I appear to have some messianic complex, but it was just my declaration of the winning team. ;-)