Today is the peak of the multi-day holiday named Duvali. There appear to be as many ways to spell this holiday as Qadaffi.
It commemorates a king returning home after he slew (slayed? smote?) a demon. It is colorful and *loud*. There are firecrackers day and night, and some are extremely powerful. Plus colorful fireworks. As always, our patio has provided a great view of the fun. It's a festival that involves lights and fireworks and sweets and new clothing and general good feelings. It's very fun.
The picture of a home is our place. It's a bit grainy, but the flash would have diminished the lights' visibility. The Goels appear to be having a party soon, and their many trial runs with the Duvali lights kicked the power out in the house no fewer than 10 times. Amusing. All in a day's life in the sub-continent!
The rest of the pictures are of rangoli on the entrances to people's homes in the neighborhood, as well as marigold garlands strung here and there.