Dad/{Jonah} :: Jonah, good morning, how are you this morning? Did you have alot of fun in India so far? Have you enjoyed yourself? {Yes, sir} What was your favorite part? What's your favorite part?
Jonah :: The pool and the Taj Mahal
Dad :: Aidan, what was your favorite part of India so far?
Aidan :: The Taj Mahal.
Jonah :: {Pizza Hut}
Dad :: Aidan, do you play cricket here in India?
Aidan :: I've already told you, I did it down there.
Dad :: Show me where.
Aidan :: I told you already, Daddy.
Dad :: That's your cricket zone with the kids?
Aidan :: Yes, I've already told you!
Dad :: Show me your muscle.
Aidan :: I shouldn't have to.
Dad :: Just show me your muscle. Alright!
^ The rangoli looked cool the other morning.
^ Flowers continue to be beautiful.