Monday, February 9, 2009

A second opinion....

For those who follow this blog, you're getting insight into the way of life that comes with living here. And through expat eyes.

Here's another blog I have linked to before, written on the blog of our friends the Fluegge family, from Florida (tongue twister). Read this blog entry to get insight into a few funny things, including how people draw power from outlets in a house. We have seen this countless times. It's especially frightening when a worker tries to remove a stuck wire from these holes with a metal screw-driver. That is a tense moment. No fatalities, thus far.

Also, the walls in our houses get absolutely filthy, as our kids spend the day in polluted and dusty Hyderabad, then come home and touch everything. We just had our house painted this past weekend, it'll need it again in two months.

Click the link, too funny.