Working our collective butts off today......
I asked Tara how long it has been since our things had arrived at the house - it has been only three weeks. We've done a huge amount in three weeks. Almost too much. We're so eager to have life here achieve some level of normalcy that we've been working very hard. And now that I am in my new role, I am a "nights-and-weekends" worker at home.
Some of the progress....
^ Front area painted....
^ Improved curb appeal. Admittedly, hard to notice from this picture - but it's amazing what a coat of paint will achieve.
Below is the big ticket item for the weekend.....
^ The den as it existed at the beginnig of the day. We have torn the wallpaper down, which left a huge amount of rough drywall, as well as ripped drywall caused by our ripping it off.
^ Have you heard of skim coating? We hadn't either. But we researched what you need to do to make a wall "like new" again. It involves joint compound, a certain type of wide knife, and a specifc technique of applying manually. It took a long time....
^ Tara applying some of the material. I did most of it... but she was a great asset in the whole process. She has the eye.
^ Yet more.
^ And, the largely finished product. Now it dries for a day, we sand and paint - again, at night.