Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 83

OK, so we're almost ready to fade to black on this blog.

So, what did it all mean?

Yeah, like I can encapsulate that in a few sentences.....

We're pretty well adjusted back. We have the house looking ok, I have new grass coming in, we've connected with many friends, work is busy as can be (wow, like you wouldn't believe!) and Tara is going through the mechanics of life as a housewife in Charlotte, NC..... a role which suits he ok, but not like it used to.

In fact, the whole gig doesn't fit like it used to. This life in Charlotte, it is indeed a fine pair of shoes.... in fact, a life like we have is the envy of perhaps > 90% of the people on the earth..... and we know how to do this kind of life, it's like riding a bike....

But the reality is that something new has been planted and there is a need for us to deliberately nurture this new thing. We believe it is planted for a reason. Time will tell what that is. And the mechanics of this life here provides challenges to nurturing it.

I think. Still figuring it out....

Additionally, there is now a bit of a restlessness that won't be satisfied by this life. It's hard to explain, but we feel more *alive* when we are on the move, out of our element, learning new things, speaking in new tongues, tasting new foods, and trying to figure out just exactly how things work in a far-flung corner of the globe.

So, we're now looking for beautiful little threads as they show themselves. One has shown up, by all appearances. Tara has apparently hooked into a trip to Cameroon in early 2010 where she would do volunteer work in an AIDS orphanage. She would go with Abong, a woman from our church, as well as a few other friends from church. Not a "church sponsored" thing, but one that arose from people in common community.

Perhaps that is the best kind.

Her trip to Guatemala years ago was a huge event for her, transformative.

Well, with just a few days to go, I wanted to thank you for staying tuned in.... whoever you may be.

Bye for now....