^ Here is a panorama of the wedding hall, which is the ballroom at the Novotel Hotel here in Hyd. As you can see, it's a big place.
^ Ready, set, eat! Competing with more than 1,000 Indians for a meal is a unique event, everyone should experience it before they die. The main theme is - don't sweat the lack of a line *anywhere*. This meal happened while the wedding was still going on.
^ It was a bit odd, the whole front row was occupied by coconuts. Everyone kept going up to the coconuts and saying how beautiful the wedding was and thanks for inviting us, etc. I didn't really get this.
^ Andrea's hands with mahendi.
^ Tara and Nia and Andrea.
^ Rice goes on the head of the newly weds. They are moving the DC soon....
^ Everyone's kids looked great. Even Liam, who wore Indian garb. We did not see him much, as he lurked around the mirchi biryani all night.
^ We and the Webbs.
^ Came home from the wedding, and here is the house across from us - the celebrants home. Bright, shiny home!
It was great, we really enjoyed it. And... we're not done yet. More pictures to come soon.