^ This little guy was in charge of opening the coconuts at a stand. He could not have been more than seven. You don't see child labor like this all that much in Hyderabad, but it is there still (even after a nationwide ban in the past few years) and you do see it in the Old City.
^ Street scene.
^ Something clearly left by the British, or, as the Indians say, the "Britishers".
^ The ubiquitous mango cart. They are awesome.
^ A street cleaner. It just kicked dust out of the back of the vehicle. This little guy has a huge job.....
^ All of the colorful garments are what the local woman wear - underneath their black burqas.
^ Small flags declare it Islamic territory. A young boy tries to get Tara to come into his family's store.
^ Street scene.
^ Street scene.
^ A curio shop that had some upscale dolls - and accoutrements with swastikas on them.
^ Tara in the scene that could have been 400 years ago.
Amazing day down at the Old City.