^ OK, a little more unrest here in India. Thankfully, it is nowhere near Hyderabad. The Gujjars of northern India are looking to get Scheduled Tribe status, which would afford them a certain percentage of set-asides from the Indian government. Jobs and the like.
To make sure they are heard, they are blocking traffic, burning things in effigy and generally disrupting life in Rajasthan, Haryana and the capital region around Delhi.
Now, chances are that you are reading this blog from outside of India. Chances are more likely than not that you are in fact in the US. Which would add up to the high likelihood that you have neither heard about this nor care all that much, either.
But - as we have noticed, in the event something negative *does* happen here in India, people often fear that we may be in harm's way and would reach out to us.
So, if you see footage of Gujjars burning things and raising a general lot of hell, please rest assured that the five of us are totally fine.
I just love writing sentences like that. What an experience this is......