Actually, the mall thing is based upon just one major boulevard we visited, so there'll be more meaningful exploration over the next few days.
A few shots:

^ I have always known Chinese culture (many people here are Chinese) to have some funky food practices. But this one was interesting. We generally think of chrysanthemums as a nice flower to have out front around Thanksgiving. But the Chinese make tea from it - and, you know what. It's really good.

^ The "hawker center" where you go for food. So-named because of the selling they do as you walk by. A bit of a hustle, kind of fun.

^ Tara and the boys at said hawker center. She is lovely.....

^ One of the hawker's stalls. Notice the shark fin soup in the top left corner. I thought that food was an urban myth. Also, the prawns were gigantic, check them out. Sitting in the ice....

^ The coconut drink we had with dinner. I routinely have Akbar pull over and I get some coconuts opened up for me in Hyderabad. This one was approximately 18 times as expensive as one in Hyderabad. And remember, I get the "white man mark up" on my Hyderabad coconuts, and these were still that much more.
Off to bed, looking forward to tomorrow.