We found a nice thing this morning. We went out to the campus where Liam goes to school, which is hundreds of acres in size, and visited a scene that happens there. On Saturdays, the place fills up with expat joggers, bikers, soccer players and the like - but the best part is that the school has a swimming pool. The kids enjoyed a good swim for the first time in a while.
This is what many of the expats do on Saturdays. Everyone gets together to have a good time with a huge stretch of land around them, something that is impossible to do anywhere else in Hyderabad.
There were folks from all over the world. One phenomenon that is ever-present anywhere you go is that the French-speaking people stick together for the most part. That rule stood true for most of this event, as well. But, by the end the French-speaking folks were talking to everyone else.
It was great to connect with other expats in this way. Last night we went to the expat gathering that happenes every Friday at The Walden Club and we enjoyed it, as well. There was a teen aged girl from Finland at the expat party last night. She spoke English just like an American. When I asked why, she said she had spent time in an international school in prior years. I came to learn it was four of her elementary school years, in China. I guess American English has become the lingua franca of the world's expratriates.
Overall, it has been a 24 hours of meeting people from outside of India who are in the same boat that we are, and it has been fun.