We almost made church today. We went to a bazaar in the other side of Hyderabad today and as we were headed home we stopped by to check out two Methodist churches. They have night services in English. The first church was locked behind a big gate and there was no one to let me in. The other church was also locked, but a person who looks like me can often smile and point at a locked church door and get in. I did this in Aurangabad, and I did it here today, too. They let me in. I checked it out.
In the back of this church there was a portrait of an Englishman who established the congregation. He lived from 1857 to 1931. The words underneath his portrait said that he spent the final years of his life in pain due to his body being broken in service of God. It was inspiring ad interesting.
There were two pigeons flying around the top of the sanctuary, so I was not sure if being there for a service would have been very hygenic.
Next week.
Anyway, here's the amusing thing from today.
Anita is a woman who lives with the Goels, upstairs. She is a Christian, I found that out this week! Also, we found a small vegetable stall where they sell vegetables that you won't find elsewhere. Tara went their today and got asparagus. Additionally, we got flowers on the way back from everything else today. The flowers make our house seem more of a home.
With all of that foundational information said....
When we came home with the flowers, Anita helped us put them in vases. She unwrapped them from the newspaper that they were wrapped in and helped put them in our vases.
During dinner, she came out with the asparagus, which was also wrapped in newspaper, and pointed to the flower vases. Tara stuttered a bit trying to say that they were not flowers. We have a form of silent language we use with Anita and others. We got the point across that they were not flowers, but food.
We all smiled and Anita put the asparagus back in the kitchen.
After a moment of silence, Tara stopped eating and said, "I wish she had not asked and just did it.". We all pictured walking into our dining room and seeing the asparagus interspersed with the gerber daisies. At that mental image, she, Liam and I started to laugh uncontrollably.
We miss our home church in Charlotte! Blessings to everyone at Selwyn!