Monday, October 20, 2008


You're probably sick of hearing about our internet woes - imagine how sick *we* are of it.

Well, we got disconnected from the internet because we didn't pay our bill. Not that we received a bill, and not that we have had it internet for more than one month.... but we were disconnected nonetheless.

Here's the awesome part - the guy told Tara that she could go online to pay her bill. When she explained that she could not because of the lack of internet, the guy kept repeating that it was "possible".


Now, you may be incredulous. We were, too. Actually, Tara was more in the "irate" category than "incredulous". I took the phone from her and talked to the guy. He said we should go out to a cyber-cafe to do it. Then I explained that we don't drive in India because people here don't know how to drive in anything like a civilized manner and our driver had left for the day... then I realized that it wasn't this guy's fault and just ditched the conversation.
