^ Rahul

^ Omar
So, I have learned that there is a category of Indian that other Indians use, mostly in a humorous way. It is called an ABCD - American-born confused desi (this word means " fellow countryman", roughly). It's the Americans of Indian descent that don't have many attributes of an Indian. Meaning, they nod from front to back, speak American English and are wound a bit tighter in the psyche that most Indians.
I want to create a new term - OWGSOLMTAI - Other White Guys Sort of Like Me That Are Indian.
Omar Abdullah is the new head of the state government in Kashmir. A recent arrival on the scene, his father is an established guy in Kashmir who is prone to playing golf almost all of the time. Omar is a pretty modern guy, I read that he is on Facebook. Unfortunately, he is one of 400 Omar Abdullahs on FB, so I could not send him a friend invite. Seriously, I tried.
Rahul Gandhi is the son of the prestigious Gandhi political family, which has no familial connection to the Mahatma. Rahul's great grandfather was Jawaharlal Nehru. They have real roots in Indian, give speeches in Urdu and Hindi and live very Indian lives. They are Indian.
But they look alot like - well, like I do. In the sense that they look pretty Western...
I guess the fact they both have European mothers sorts of influences this. But, again, these guys are Indian. It's pretty interesting.
Now, as I have pointed out - India has every color in its population. There are white Indians with blue eyes. Not many, but they are there. Then there is the blackest black on other Indians. And every hue in between. No blonds or red-heads, though. All Indians have black hair.
Unfortunately, these hues do count for something today, although I sense this will change.... but it may take a while. Watching any Bollywood movie tells you that beauty and darkness are not usually seen as going hand in hand here in India.
Of note is the fact that it is widely predicted Rahul will be Prime Minister of India someday. Stay tuned for that.
Both guys are pretty dynamic and interesting men, so it'll be fun to see how their lives unfold. Just a small note of interest for you.... hope you found it useful.