...one of these? It's a tennis racket-shaped device that you charge and it carries an electric current. You wave it around in the air and kill mosquitoes, who pop to death in the electrified meshing.
We buy them from the people who come to the car window and sell their wares. They are an interesting lot - very smart. When the city banned tinted windows, these folks *the next day* started to sell those little black shades that suction on to your car window. Anyway, one time a kid walked up to the car window selling these rackets and gave a demo - sticking a nail in the meshing and making it spark. Yeooow!
Tara and I virtually live on our patio, so this is a key device for us. Very useful in a place with a bunch of mosquitoes - and Hyderabad has loads of 'em. We can spot and kill a mosquito now in an almost Bruce Lee-like fashion. Very fast.
Veni, vici, ****zap*** pop.
Anita's sister Sooselia (sp?) works for us full time now, and I think her job is to supply me coffee or chai all morning and to take care of Tara and the kitchen throughout the day. Well, one time she stood behind Tara on the porch at night and just waved this thing around Tara's vicinity, gently killing mosquitoes. It was both funny and odd to watch. Tara was really uncomfortable with the event in an amused sort of way.
Yes, this all seems fantastical and odd..... and, it is. It is India.