^ Neha's is next to the gym where we go, Latitudes. It is a clothing shop for women. It actually sells nice stuff, and is on one of the nicer stretches of road here in Hyderabad.
But the inconceivable is sometimes mundane here in India.
The building where Neha's is located is half torn down above the shop. Not this week, nor as of a few days ago and it will be torn down in a week or two - it is in a partial state of destruction and has been since we got here - six months ago tomorrow (!!).
^ Most buildings are torn down through the use of about twenty guys with sledge hammers. Just slamming away day and night - and then, apparently, with a lengthy respite. Look at this above - a new place being built next to a place that has also been in a state of partial destruction since our arrival. Looks like it was a nice place at one time...
^ Here is an aquarium store. Yes, the tanks in the place are pretty murky. Never been in there, but I have glanced in while walking by. Yick.
^ Here is our gym. It's four stories, really nice. Spas, salons, work out. A veritable oasis.