It is very easy to arrive at the edge of insanity in India. Things can drive you crazy if you let them. I want to avoid that impulse and take a quick moment to lavish praise on India.
Everything I am going to say has a "but....".
I am going to avoid those.
I choose to say only positive things for now about this land where we live.
Some thoughts.....
First, India has some of the most beautiful things that are to be found under the sun. The ornate nature of the clothing, the bright colors that the women wear, the flowers and trees and flowering trees, the emphasis on beautiful silks, the intricate jewelry.......... it can be an aesthetically breath-taking place.
The architecture throughout India is so varied and, in many cases, gorgeous that you cannot help but sit there and stare at it. We have yet to visit Jaipur (week after next), but it is said to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. It is known as The Pink City, because of the colored sandstone from which many palaces were built.
And there are so many dancing styles that enthrall the eyes and the mind. We watched a dancing show where dance styles from all over India were on display. I have rarely seen anything so engaging.

The food here is among the most interesting on earth. From the coconut-based foods of the Kerala coast, to the spicy treats of Andhra Pradesh, to the savory flavors of north India (that's what you eat when you go to an Indian restaurant in the US) - the food of India is rightly renowned as a delight. And the variety is something you cannot appreciate from afar. You simply have to try a bit of everything while here to appreciate it fully.
Additionally, being a vegetarian has never been so fun and easy as it has been here.

Finally, the people are often the warmest and most kind you find. People are generally too tightly wound in America. Everyone should take a step back, a deep breath, and just calm down in the US. Life is too short! India has a much more relaxed and unraveled approach to life. People are very slow to yell, are ready with a kind word, and are polite to a degree that puts most of the rest of the world to shame. It is truly a nice place to be.
Finally, this is a very diverse land. Languages, religion, class, caste, ethnicity, history and a variety of other things provide ample opportunities for resentment, anger, division and conflict. Despite this incredible diversity, and the challenges it offers, India is a remarkably unified and peaceful place. It is generally non-violent in its approach to life together.
Indians are a very enjoyable people.
Man, I *really* had to refrain from a variety of comments to write this essay. But we are guests here and India deserves our polite praise. It is, no doubt, a remarkable and wondrous land.....
Jai Hind!