Before you roll your eyes that we went to McDonald's today, keep your mind open. It was pretty neat.
We were coming back from the visit to our home, and we saw a large shopping center. We asked the driver to come stop and we shot up to the restaurant.
Interesting things about this McDonald's. No pork and no beef. Yes, it had neither. If it had pork, the Muslims would not eat there, and if it had beef, many Hindus would not eat there. So, it has various options that were unique. Like McChicken Tikki, a spicy roasted chicken sandwich. And a McVeggie Burger. And a Spicy Paneer Wrap. It was really interesting.
Also, it seems to be a hip place to be. People were taking each others pictures in the place! Also, there was a walk-up window outside of the restaurant where you had to get your food if you were not eating inside. Note that I said walk-up, not drive up.
Most interesting point of all - they actually deliver to your home if you want them to.
It'll be a rare event, but we may just want a visit every once in a while to the evil global oligopoly of McDonald's.
Honestly, much of what we've been doing is taking on India slowly. It's important to feel some things of familiarity early on in an expat experience. It helps to make the transition a reasonable process. Tara now knows she will have the ability to decorate our place with nice things. This is one of her pleasures in life, so she now knows she can maintain that. The kids have seen countless beggars come to their window at stop lights, so a small taste of American french fries helps give comfort. In this process, McDonald's was a true help.